
The Real Success of Operation Cast Lead

Reflections of an Israeli Military Chaplain

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The Real Success of Operation Cast Lead: Reflections of an Israeli Military Chaplain

An awakening of public consciousness that took place during the conflict in Gaza in the winter of 2008-9.
Gaza War (2008-9), Israel, Israel Defense Force

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Andres Rosendo Buenos Aires June 16, 2014

Miracles happened back then Despite I'm not Israeli, I know a soldier (Oleh Hadash) who participated in Cast Lead and he witnessed a strange woman dressed in rags who guided them all the time to avoid stepping on the mines and booby traps that the enemy set for them. He told me it was Rachel, "our mother". He abandoned atheism because of the things he saw. Incredible! Reply

Ltr. Col.Joram Bar On Har Tuv December 30, 2012

Cast Lead this operation which cost some 1600 civilians in Gaza was a shameful operation not worthy of ther IDF. The screaming of the Rabbi in this video is intollerable. Reply

Vlady Andreev Oryol, Russia August 9, 2011

So True! I participated in the Cast Lead and i want to tell you that i witnessed miracles daily. Everything he said is true .. our spirits were exactly as he describes. Many many many UNEXPLAINABLE and fascinating things happened to us during this operation. I stil have every book of Tehilim, every piece of cloth i had on me during that war . I know that when this tiny Tehilim book is with me, then nothing will happen.

G-d bless Israel

Sergeant Major of 101 Paratroopers
Vlady Andreev Reply

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