
What the Land of Israel Needs From You

Reflections of an Israeli Military Chaplain

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What the Land of Israel Needs From You: Reflections of an Israeli Military Chaplain

How we all contribute to Israel's security by promoting Jewish unity and continuity.
Jewish Survival, Jewishness; Jewish Identity, Israel Defense Force, Israel

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Amichai Schneller St.Cloud MN February 26, 2014

jews from MN. The weather really makes it hard sometimes to travel to Temple.
It can really isolate people.
:o) Reply

Tim Upham Tum Tum, WA May 31, 2012

Making Peace Into A Reality I did not get into contact with my Jewish background until I was 17. What I have worked the hardest at, is for the land of Israel to coexist with its neighbors. It will never happen! It takes a great deal of perseverance, communication, and commitment. You do not just learn about what your Jewish background is, but you also learn about Islam, Arabic, and their respective histories. Peace just cannot be a wish, it has to be worked on, and worked on hard. Many times you are going to say things, that are not accepted. But I back it up with quotations out of the Tanakh, Siddur, and Talmud. It can be done within the framework of Judaism, and it has to worked on hard, because a great deal of peoples lives depend it. Reply

Anonymous Mineral Wells, Texas August 30, 2010

IDF Chaplain I thank you for providing such wonderful teachers for me as I am suffering from multiple sclerosis and two spinal diseases trying to survive on a disability check. I just had a very serious attack of MS, which I am recovering from, so I must spend most of my time right now in bed. What Joy it brings me to study with Chabad on Jewish tv. It makes me want to make my aliayah and move to my beloved land of Israel. Until that day, I thank you again! Reply

Yonatan Isarel,tiberias July 22, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

Trust in god and pray to him..and you will be healthy בעזרת השם Reply