Throughout history, countless tactics and strategies are played in the battle over planet Earth. But at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is called winning. And winning comes at the very end.

With every other round of the game, the soul puts out whatever it’s got. When it comes to the last stretch, neck and neck with the enemy, it‘s got to do better than that. Its very core ignited, it bursts into explosion of power never before imagined.

This is the stubborn power we have today, to finally change the world and transform it into a divine place. Not with our own strength, but with the power of all those before us. Because now, from above, every power is released, the very essence-core lashes out. To win.

Maamor Bati Legani 5710, chapter 11; Beshalach 5741:37; Ki Tavo 5741:58. Torat Menachem 5746 vol. 1, pg. 87.