Laughter, Bliss, Inner Joy
Happiness is believing in yourself as much as your Creator believes in you.
If you did good, celebrate that you have a G‑d who is there with you in your good work.
And if you fell on your face, celebrate that you have a G‑d who does not abandon you when you fall.
If you believe you are an angel, prepare for disappointment.
If you believe you are a beast, you may well become depressed.
Best to know you are human, and when you fail, say you’re sorry.
That‘s even higher than the angels.
Some gripe that they cannot reach out for G-d‘s help because they are not worthy.
Others celebrate that, as unworthy as they are, they have a G‑d who answers their cries.
Worry leaves no room for life. Be simple and open to heaven's downpour.
We study Torah with our heads. We celebrate it with our feet. At our feet, we're all the same.
The night is past. It is afternoon before Shabbat.
We have cried enough bitter tears. Now is time to return with joy. |