
Bereishit (Genesis)

Do We Have Too Much STUFF?
Have we become slaves to our things, rather than masters using them to create joy and purpose in our world?
The Secret to a Successful Relationship
Isn't it amazing how the very things we most need from each other are also the most difficult for us to give?
Dealing With the Flood of Life
We may not be able to save the world, but we can build for ourselves an ark, a sanctum of time—protected and filled with meaning.
Can we make ourselves translucent to receive the light of spirituality even in our mundane, heavily packed and overworked schedules?
Why a Seed Grows in Darkness
Lech Lecha
When you’re feeling distraught, what do you do to calm yourself? Do you try a new experience or do you revert to what is familiar to you?
Are the Jews Humanity's Moral Compass?
Lech Lecha
Most of humanity would rather yield to the prevailing status quo and social pressure than deviate from its accustomed behaviors.
What's Good About Wealth?
Lech Lecha
Is money good or bad? Is it only a means to an end, or is there some intrinsic spirtiual component to money that makes it so powerful?
Finding G-d During Tough Times
Lech Lecha
Even when we are experiencing our personal famines, our relationship with G‑d is still present and accessible.
Don’t Ignore the Call!
Just as every parent would forego personal honor and willingly wait while you tend to his or her child, this, too, is G‑d’s greatest pleasure.
Follow Your Convictions
At various junctures in our lives, we may face the difficult decision of doing what we know is best, or conforming to what others expect. How do you choose?
Is Our World Getting Better or Worse?
Rather than feeling as though we are progressing forward on our sojourn towards a better reality, our situation can sometimes feel pretty helpless.
Chasing Youth
Chayei Sarah
What is it about youth that makes us yearn to be young again?
Countering the
Chayei Sarah
The “if only” attitude claims that if only we had some essentially missing quality, then our lives would be infinitely enhanced.
Chayei Sarah
Is it just me, or does it seem like every other week we learn of another scandal involving some powerful, prominent leader?
Can a Square Fit into a Circle?
Our society is full of boxes and conformist qualities necessary to achieve specific ideals.
Bring Out the Pitchforks!
The person who starts praying may not merit what he or she desires. But the newly transformed, far more spiritual individual concluding prayers may be worthy of what he or she seeks—and use it to further spiritual growth.
How to Communicate a Difference of Opinion to Your Spouse—Without Arguing
Why didn’t Rebecca just sit down over a cup of coffee and explain to her husband what she intuitively understood? What would be gained by Jacob committing an act of deception?
How Does the Onset of Winter Make You Feel?
Each struggle that we confront and every small victory that we win become the sweetest and most beautiful offerings in G‑d’s eyes.
Rachel and Leah: Two Destinies, Two Worlds
What is the mystery of the spiritual qualities represented by these two sisters? What was the secret cosmic schism that would span centuries of history?
Can You Really Protect Your Child?
As much as we want to protect ourselves and our children from the ravages of our world, it is precisely here that each of us fulfills the purpose for which our world was created.
The Bear Who Chased a Child
Why is life such a dark and difficult battle?
A Lesson From Timna the Concubine
Timna’s actions seem righteous and altruistic. Why would this result in a child who represents the very paradigm of evil?
Answering the Call, Day and Night
On the table, I noticed a highly unusual item. Alongside the delicious food and beautiful dishes was a live walkie-talkie.
When G-d Needs You
How should we respond to that cynical voice within?
How much are we ready to sacrifice to turn our dreams into our reality?
Two Keys to Survive and Thrive, Despite Personal Challenges
Life sends all of us harsh tests and trials. Joseph teaches us the two essential keys to survive them.
A Long-Lost Reunion With a Lasting Message
For 22 agonizing years, they had been separated, with Jacob fearing the worst. What will happen at their first meeting?
Get Past the Resentment
Don’t we all harbor inside of us memories that elicit our strongest emotions against individuals who deceived or misled us?
Rachel: The Epitome of Motherhood
“This was not during the rainy season, when I could claim that it was because of the mud that I did not bring her to Hebron. The roads were dry and good. Still, I buried her alongside the road to Ephrath . . .”
Why I Envied a “Non-Believer”
As I searched her face, I noticed a tear trickling down her cheek which, moments later, was joined by several more.