
The Court of Jewish Law

Social, Monetary and Ethical dilemmas presented through the perspective of Jewish Law

Social, monetary and ethical dilemmas presented through the perspective of Jewish Law

Can My Neighbor Prevent Me From Building My Dream Home?
Do I stop my project because of my neighbor’s complaint, or can I finally have my dreamed-of privacy?
Do I Need to Pay for Dance Lessons I Cannot Attend?
My daughter really enjoyed the classes and was eager to attend each week. But after the fourth class, she fell and injured her foot . . .
How Far Do I Need to Go to Return a Lost Object?
Practical guidelines for Hashavat Aveidah
In the park next to her school, my daughter found a child’s lone glove. She’s insisting that we take it home and post signs to publicize it so that the owner might retrieve it.
Does My Friend Need to Replace My Damaged Cookbook?
She was about to return it when she noticed that the pages were filled with smears from trying her hand at the recipes.
Am I Permitted to Reveal Private Conversations?
So what does the Torah say about a situation like this? Would a Jew, who is bound by Torah law, be permitted to write a tell-all memoirk?
Can I Donate My Kidney Against My Parent’s Wishes?
My elderly mother is adamantly against my doing this. She argues that charity begins at home, and that a relative might need my organ in the future.
Can I Use My Neighbor's Wi-Fi Without Permission?
Sometimes at night I like to check my e‑mails and browse the Internet. Can I use an unsecured Wi-Fi network without permission?
Whistle-Blowing in Jewish Law
What to say, how to say and if to say, in the light of classic sources in halachah
I don't know if the unethical practices hurt anyone, but I really want to tell the management.
Civil Disobedience, the Boston Tea Party and Jewish Law
Were the colonists right for dumping all the tea into Boston Harbor? Am I allowed to participate in a sit-in? What does Judaism have to say?
Water Leaked into My Apartment. Who Pays for Paint?
Our upstairs neighbor had a major leak in her bathroom and, since we live in an apartment building, as a consequence two walls in our apartment got damaged.
Can I Buy Something if I Plan to Return It?
Halachic Guidelines for Returning Items
When I recently went on a road trip with my family, a friend suggested that I “buy” a portable DVD player for the kids to watch during the long trip. He suggested that I buy it from a store with a 60-day no-questions-asked return policy, and then simply return it after the trip.
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