
The Sign

Ki Teitzei Parshah Report

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The Sign: Ki Teitzei Parshah Report

When Roy takes a summer vacation, Itche and Jono are left without a set. A mysterious sign is their only company...
Ki Teitzei

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Chaim meir Australia via JewishTV Android August 27, 2023

it's so funny when Roy touches the sign I was laughing the whole time Reply

Grateful boy Depression August 9, 2021

This video reminds me of my medical problem thank you😌 Reply

Jono Rabbi’s home May 20, 2021

Haha! Roy goes kaboom! Reply

Roy Itche Kadoozy May 3, 2021

Why did I touch that sign? What was I thinking? Time to take a shower. Reply

Tzvi Pomona NY July 5, 2021
in response to Roy:

You need to take a shower 16 years later 😅 Reply

Anonymous Simi Valley CA August 26, 2018

Were's the Parsha Report for Ki Sovo.
it has Ki Tzesei and then Nitzavim-Vayelech Reply

Mendel Hein Pittsford February 25, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

that's what id like to know Reply

Tzippy Maryland October 23, 2017

What HAPPENED?! that was totally NOT deathly, and I'm hoping not permanent. Roy, should have texted called etc, that he was coming home, and Rabbi Kadoozy should have called him, Why is a sign that says do not touch serious injury may occur, IN MY WORK PLACE? I mean seriously. who would make such a sign? Jono could have thrown a stick at the sign, or used a broom to reach out and touch it. then the stick or broom would have been hurt and not Jono. Jono and the Rabbi were a little hard on Roy, throwing him on errands, and they didn't even ask if he were ok!! Jono should have cared a little more about his friend, and Iche kadoozy should have been more careful. At least they tried. Roy, it could have been worse. Jono, at least you got to find out. Rabbi, at least you saved and comforted Jono. Honestly, I wanted to see how black would look on Jono! but three cheers for Rabbi Iche Kadoozy and his bravery. Cheers for Jono, and his resistance. Cheers for Roy, that he wasn't hurt worse. Bye! Reply

Fun fact, my initials are DS July 26, 2021
in response to Tzippy:

And three cheers for Dovid and Jonothan for making this EPIC show Reply

C.G USA April 22, 2016

Sweet :-) Reply

Chana Goldstein Monsey, N.Y April 20, 2016

Iche cares so much for Jono. It's sweet :-) Reply

Rivka Massachusetts April 3, 2016

That is one of the funniest Itche Kadoozey videos I've ever seen! I am laughing so hard. Reply

Chana Goldstein Monsey, NY March 17, 2016

Nice clip Cute. I feel bad for Jono. Reply

Mendel Hein Pittsford February 25, 2019
in response to Chana Goldstein:

whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? Reply

me May 11, 2014

this is totally a kids show this is totally a kids show Reply

me May 11, 2014

to chaim don't be a wise guy. Reply

Talit Tiger Jungle, Tiger City August 17, 2013

Loved it! Loved it! Jono and Rabbi TRIED to save Roy. Oh, oh, oh! I wish I could see All of 'em in real life!! Reply

Chenina A. Brooklyn, NYC August 20, 2010

LOL!!! OMG! Totally me! I looooove Jano! This show is tooo funny. :P Reply

Anonymous Bogota, Colombia August 24, 2009

EXCELLENT!!!! Just great!! your work is the best...I'm sure all ages understand this message...
¡¡¡¡THANKS FOR ALL!!!!! Reply

Elijah tollason, U.S.A October 2, 2008

Jono Jono Is Funny Reply

Ann Richmond, VA June 10, 2007

Re:"hate it!", to Chaim Although certainly entitled to his own opinion, Chaim's comment is reminiscent of the sentiment expressed in the episode, "We Whined A Lot"! Reply

chaim manhattan, new york June 10, 2007

hate it! it was soooooooooooooo boring- why didnt you just touch that sign, a total waste of time! Reply

Chani Boston, Mass. November 5, 2006

Cool, cool, cool! This is such a great lesson on self-control, and it's funny as well! Reply

Miguel October 5, 2006

Restraining order I didn't know G-fish filed a restaining order against Jono. Reply

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