
How to Recognize a Miracle

Studying Rashi: Parshat Ki-Tavo

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How to Recognize a Miracle: Studying Rashi: Parshat Ki-Tavo

On the final day of Moses' life, he tells the Jewish nation, “You have now been given a heart to know, and eyes to see.” (Deuteronomy 29:3) Rashi explains that only at this point was Israel able to “recognize G-d's kindness.” How is it possible that throughout forty years of miracles, the Jewish nation didn't appreciate what had happened to then until that day?
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Miracles, Ki Tavo

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Mendel Kaplan Thornhill January 18, 2023

Sincerely appreciate all of you kind words and comments. I've opened a Youtube channel and teach regularly on it. You are all welcome to subscribe at Youtube.com/rabbimendelkaplan. I've launched a website that takes you to all of my online offerings. Please visit and bookmark RabbiKaplan.TV Reply

Philippe Western Australia January 10, 2023

A great teacher keeps his students intrigued, interested and questionning the text being studied. But added to these is the students' desire to listen to the teacher to his very end. Many thanks Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous Huntington Beach, CA July 8, 2021

An educational and enlightening teaching. Thank you for your insights and explanations. I was profoundly inspired. Reply

Anonymous February 4, 2019

Another wonderful hour of learning. Thank you. Reply

Galit Adelaide August 23, 2013

Very inspiring and great timing Wonderful to hear about the Jewish people reaching their maturity, and Moshe Rabbeinu living long enough to see it.

Thank you for teaching us these wonderful things. Reply

HappyMinyan Ma''ale Adumim, Israel September 11, 2012

Wow! Wow! Wow! Poignant, relevant, beautiful. This shiur spoke to my heart, mind, blood and bones.

Baruch Hashem for this Rav Kaplan and this great shiur and for Chabad. Kol hakovod. Reply

Anonymous Sun City, AZ September 6, 2012

Miracles How Awesome!! Truly inspired!! An answer to my prayer today!! May Hashem continue to bless you with His messages to us!!
Thank you!! Reply

Uri Yitzchak Orlando, Fl September 4, 2012

WOW!! ...your love and passion for Hashem and His Torah are contagious. We are so blessed and privileged to learn so much from you every week. Thank you so much Reply

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