
Making an Oath

Practical Parshah - Vayigash

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Making an Oath: Practical Parshah - Vayigash

In this week's portion in which Judah promises the safe return of his brother Benjamin, we look at the severity of oaths and vows, how to know when you've made one and how to be released from it once you have.
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Parshah, Oath (Shvua), Vayigash

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Michael Kiel Australia December 20, 2023

My question is, how couldn’t the brothers find out the Josef’s origins? Reply

nicola nisim pelosof sao paulo, brazil December 28, 2011

Makuing an oath Thank´s to you Rav Mendel Kaplan it is very inspiring your classes and also your insights about the Parasha.Chazak Baruch! Reply

Karen A Chambers Bakersfield, CA/Kern via chabadofbakersfield.com December 18, 2011

Josheph and his brothers in Egypt. There are alot of stories I don't understand about the Tora. You make it easy for me to understand by breaking it down and explaining how they felt and how the Jews lived many thousands of years ago. Reply

binh tran union city, usa December 10, 2010

Making an Oath Thank You Rabbi, again great teachings. I learned what to say now and future, not to make vows PERIOD. Reply

Sara Greenberg Pepperell, Ma December 7, 2010

Problems with broadcast tonight Perhaps some latkes got clogged in the system? Was it just me or were you having problems at "your end"?

Thank you and Happy Chanukah! Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.
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