
Circumcision (Brit Milah)

Practical Parshah - Tazria

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Circumcision (Brit Milah): Practical Parshah - Tazria

This portion provides the Biblical source for the mitzvah of circumcision on the eighth day. What are the specific laws and customs of this life-cycle event?
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Parshah, Brit Milah, Tazria

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Binh Tran fremont, ca April 2, 2011

Tazria Thank you Rabbi Kaplan for another great teachings this week. Reply

Uri Yitzchak Orlando, FL March 30, 2011

Rabbi Kaplan; thanks again for sharing your Torah wisdom with all of us. Outstanding how the Rebbe z"l fuses both of Rambam's contradictory statements into a clear and beautiful idea. It was truly another amazing class. Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.
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