
Counting Jews

Practical Parshah - Bamidbar

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Counting Jews: Practical Parshah - Bamidbar

In this portion, Moses takes a census of the Jewish people without directly counting any of them. Why do we not count each other directly and what are the practical applications for this mitzvah today?
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Census of the Israelites, Parshah, Bamidbar

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Tovah Nelson May 21, 2023

Fascinating class. Very informative. Thank you, Rabbi. Reply

James TOPeka,KS May 16, 2018

?Perhaps could it be included in info on counting ,David and Gideon?
II Shamuel 24:10 the L-rd punishes David for counting,
And Gideon always has a count army also to high! Reply

Joni Huntington, NY February 9, 2012

Bamidbar BH
Thank you so much for so many clear details and for your enthusiasm ..indeed we have a deep well of Torah. Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.
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