
Writing a Torah Scroll

Practical Parshah - Vayelech

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Writing a Torah Scroll: Practical Parshah - Vayelech

It is a commandment incumbent on every man and woman to write a scroll of the Torah. How does a "regular Jew" fulfill this mitzvah?
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Letter in the Torah Campaign, Torah, Writing of, Nitzavim-Vayelech, Parshah, Vayelech

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1 Comment
Anonymous new york, new york September 16, 2012

Torah scroll Rabbi,with all do respect,this is the external part of the teachings.As a nation of Israel we incorporate the whole of humanity,not just the Jews.Only 2 commandments that stand The Love of the Creator and the Love of your fellow manWith this obliogation we have to incoporate the love within first as a whole , and the undertsanding we have both pharoah and Moshe within us,the push and the pull,.And with the Creator between us we bring this light to all the nations.The serpent is what we use to bring us to the realization of the Force that is between us.Stop adding to what is! Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.