
Writing Your Will

Practical Parshah - Vayechi

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Writing Your Will: Practical Parshah - Vayechi

In this week’s portion, Jacob gives his sons his last will and testament. What does Jewish law say about how to bequeath an inheritance to heirs?
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Parshah, Vayechi

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Allan rakes Stuart va January 5, 2024

My question is why the doubling of the phrase פקד פקד? It is also repeated in Exodus chapter 3, verse 17. Reply

Anonymous Lenexa, Kansas January 7, 2012

death and revival My teens and I enjoyed this teaching as part of our Shabbes study. My daughter has a question, please. If you bequeath everything, pass and then are revived, what then? Reply

Binh Tran unioncity, us December 17, 2010

Writing Your Will B"H.
Thank You Rabbi Kaplan. Great teaching. Reply

Nadav Sandroussy Montreal, Canada December 16, 2010

Inheritance Beautifully spoken Dvar Torah.

I did not really understand what happens with the inheritance in the case where a father only has daughters? Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.
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