
Jacob Our Father Did Not Die

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Jacob Our Father Did Not Die

The Sages of the Talmud, in their debate whether one may discuss Torah while consuming a meal, address the existential quandary of whether it is better to transcend nature or conform to it. (Based on Likutei Sichos, Vol 35. Vayechi 3.)
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ויחי - ג, Passing of a Tzaddik, The, Life After Death, Nature & the Miraculous, Jacob, Vayechi

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Racheli Florida November 27, 2015

Thank you Rabbi. You have made an immense difference in my life with this. Now I understand. Now I know what to answer my children when they ask me "Imma, where is the Rebbe?" I, myself, have never had the zchus to see the Rebbe with my physical eyes - and BH, I am so many years later on shlichus. And my kinderlach ask me - where is the Rebbe? After all of these years, this is the first time I'm hearing an answer that my neshama feels to be emes. The Rebbe is in all of us. I so feel that to be true. Ahh, it hurts. Ahh, we desperately yearn for Mashiach. Yes, that is also truth. That is also emes. Yashir koach, Rabbi. Reply

Valerie Gillman Auburn August 13, 2015

bobbing I wonder why rabbis bob back and forth while teaching a class?
Classes are very interesting. Thank you Reply

senga australia January 2, 2015

Oh,this talk brings me deeper into TORAH and I loved it! Reply

David Kolnick South Africa December 28, 2012

Jacob did not die When Abraham,Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob died the word VAYIGVA was used prior to YAMAT, although there was no YAMAT with Jacob. Why was vayigva used with these 4 individuals and not with Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David or Solomon?

Vayigva in this case was used in individuals who lived a long life.
Vayigva was used in the the flood but in a bad context why? Reply

Anonymous December 24, 2012

Pessach Are we not commanded to speak the story of Pessach at the Seder table? In fact, don't we interrupt the story at set intervals to partake in food? This occurs neither at the beginning or the end of the meal, but during the meal! So how do we reconcile that we should not speak during a meal, if that's a commandment at the Seder? Does this mitzvah offer protection from the danger of speaking while eating? Reply

Anonymous Toronto December 22, 2012

Eating Between Courses I unfortunately don't keep the practice, but would offer that the reason one should not talk, even about Torah, between courses or between mouthfuls is that the one would become engrossed in the conversation and either not willing to resume eating, or eager to eat quickly, lest the danger of choking would be increased.

Also, great lesson! Definitely worth an hour despite the delayed start due to latecomers. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.