
"Are We There Yet?"

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"Are We There Yet?"

It would be helpful to know the date of the final Redemption. But the Redemption would not be perfect were it brought about with such help. (“Parsha Perks” with Dr Michael Chighel | Vayechi)
Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Hastening the Redemption, Vayechi

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Shterna Beck January 5, 2021

So creative!!! Thank you for sharing!! Reply

Miguel Mafla Bloomington January 2, 2021

Wow. Just... Wow.

Come soon! Reply

Gui Lok LA January 1, 2021

If the redemption depends on man, Jewish or otherwise, fully doing mitzvot, we will be here forever. I don't understood this notion of man having to make the world perfect so Moshiach could come. How can sinful man redeem the world? He's too full of sin! And Chabad thinking they can perfect themselves to that extent without HaShem's help? With all due respect, one can look around, and also even a brief overview of world and Jewish history would show that that cannot happen. It would be nice to believe, and we must never stop our job of doing better and better mitzvot from the heart, but we need HaShem to always help us.And Torah says He wants us to seek His help with our improvement and mitzvot. Shalom! Reply

Anonymouse January 5, 2023
in response to Gui Lok:

I agree. The world can never be perfect if man does everything. Reply

Arthur Greebler Queens, New York January 12, 2020

Doesn't redemption have to do with ending the Galut? What Galut was Yaakov and his sons in at the time of his telling them when the end of days was? Maybe it was the end of Galut in Egypt? Why are these questions never raised when they are simply a matter of logic? Reply

Julie Lake Saint Louis January 9, 2020

Great video and the little girl did such an amazing job. Absolutely wonderful! Reply

David January 9, 2020

Thank you so much for these videos. Greatly greatly appreciated! Reply