
Internal Tribes

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Internal Tribes

How Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehudah represent four different phases we experience as we go through the order of the morning prayers: 1) Reuven—the first paragraph of Shema, 2) Shimon—the second paragraph of Shema, 3) Levi—the blessings after Shema, and 4) Yehudah—the Amidah prayer. (Based on the discourse "Yehuda Achecha Yoducha 5738.")
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Levi, Simeon, Shema, יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך, אור ליום ג' עשרה בטבת, ה'תשל"ח, Hearing, Sight, Reuben, Amidah, Prayer, Tribes, The Twelve, Judah, Vayechi

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Rachel Singer October 22, 2021

I'm confused and hope for some elucidation please: we are told to get out there and make a dwelling place, we live in the Era of Action, it behooves us to Do Mitzvahs and also to model for the Nations all the goodness of Hashem. At the same time, as you noted, by SEEING the violence and evil that is currently out there (maybe its always out there, but it seems so bad atm) we are being contaminated. In fact, forgive me for mentioning my own faults here, I used to watch the news; it was part of my professional work, but I continued after retirement and yet didn't understand why I felt increasingly sick and depressed...until I started doing very deliberate daily schedule of learning and mitzvot and got rid of the television altogether. I am not strong enough internally to handle the gantze velt. I was immersed in it, know it all too well and do not want to be touched by it any longer...I realize this is not what we're being taught, but after a lifetime...I'm out of word space Reply

Mathilda March 10, 2019

Thank you :) blessings Reply

Mark McDonald Colorado Springs, Co. May 22, 2013

I learn so much from hearing your lectures. Thank you so much. I have never felt more on the right track. I have a long way to go, but I at least feel like I know where I am going now. G-Ds' blessings to you and yours! Thank you so very much for these lectures! Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, MD USA December 28, 2012

Internal Tribes Shalom Rabbi:

This was a very interesting study. Thank you for sharing it. G-d's blessing be upon you and your family.

Looking forward to more of your teachings. Reply

rut USA December 27, 2012

Internal Tribes/Vayechi I agree very much with your teaching Rabbi New. To see Hashem, blessed be He, is also to feel him deep in one's soul. When we see His Creation, all the beautiful, amazing things, how can we not love Him. And to think that we could be with him for an eternity after we leave our bodies, is just the greatest thing one could imagine. But we need try to get to know him. And this is accomplish, I believe, through reading TaNach. Then we can invite him into our hearts. Isn't this what our forefather Abraham did? When he decided to find the Creator of all, and he called upon him. I suppose that is how Abraham learnt to know Hashem. Thank you for this wonderful teaching. I will meditate more on these words. Reply

Ruth Fingerhut-Tamkin Cleveland December 27, 2012

source please Which sicho are you referring to? I know the Torah Or piece, but which Sicho? would like to learn it inside, please. Reply

Moshe NY December 27, 2012

Thank you Rabbi It was very much enlightening. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.