
A Chasidic Story

Thoughts for 19 Kislev

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A Chasidic Story: Thoughts for 19 Kislev

In honor of the "Chasidic New Year" celebrated on the 19th day of Kislev, Rabbi Moishe New shares a chasidic story from which we can learn what Chasidism is all about.
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Sin, Chassidism, Kislev 19

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Rachel Singer October 22, 2021

Please do not misunderstand the following, it is meant with genuine respect, but the only other 'voice' and teacher I've had, the Rebbe, could so deeply move me that I could not listen to anything after hearing him, so too it is with Rabbi New and in particular this shiur "A Chassidic Story." It is truly a gift. Reply

Anonymous brooklyn November 25, 2015

Thank you! For helping me clarify what is it that Chabad Chassidus has revealed and revolutionized, AND- how to practically translate that into action. These words and message will continue to spread and resonate in many circles Reply

Avraham Ber Richmond May 3, 2013

Wow! This is a game-changer. I want to memorize it so I can say it over to my friends. If G-d *needs* our mitzvos, it's not the same world and they are not the same mitzvos. Y'sher koiach, R. New. I definitely want to come to Montreal for the next Yud Tes. Reply

Michelle Andre' C. C. December 6, 2012

Wow! I don't know that i am a Jew, but I have been touched! I am surrounded by G_d! I feel as if G_d was talking though you sending another message ! I know G_d and I know you are speaking his words!!! That G_d is calling me once again closer! Thanks Rabbi Moshe for working so hard at what G_d wants of us that G_d was able to work through you in this Video! What a Blessing!!! Reply

Anonymous December 3, 2012

I feel alive and ashamed at the ssame time! Dearest Rabbi, you have awaken me so softly, so skilfully, i pray that I will continue and materliaze the Rebbe's message. Reply

Anonymous UK December 3, 2012

That does it! Here I go again round on the circle. I was baptised in the Church of England, studied Yoga and philosophy, was waylaid by scientology, gravitated into Zen Buddhism, kept getting facinated by Judaism so read some on Chabbad and thought I need to express my Judaic soul, ran from it (it is impossible!!!), started studying Catholisism with half a heart, spoke again with a Buddhist monk and tonight I listen to this lesson. And I weep. I feel like a pinball being fired around a table. What is the answer? It is not about me, it is for G_d that we live. I would marry the bridegroom oh yes but if I am to do this in my own home (rather than a monastic setting), I must perform the mitzvah so that G_d will know my love and that I can know G_d's. - argggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Why did G_d make me a Gentile? Because he wanted me to convert!!?? Why would he do that? Perhaps that is like performing a Mitzvah and shows him how much i care. Reply

Rochel bas Sarah Emeinu October 22, 2021
in response to Anonymous:

I hope you found the path of your true destiny and had the courage to make your journey. Your story reads a lot like my own. I will just tell you that once the onion has peeled enough layers to show you the core of itself, the very essence of Onion ness, you rejoice that you had the patience to wait, learn and come to G-d. Reply

Moriah Peoria November 30, 2012

Incredible This may be one of the most powerful teachings that I have heard - that is certainly relevant to [most] all of us. This message, if truly heard and heeded, can be transformative for the repair of the soul & the world at large. Thank you, Rabbi New, for this lecture and the means in which you delivered it. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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