
Torah in Ten: Vayechi

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Torah in Ten: Vayechi

Topics include: a mystical reason for why tefillin are made of leather, the connection between Jacob and Rabbi Akiba, and why Jacob did not bless two of his twelve sons.
Jacob Blesses Menasseh and Ephraim, Jacob Blesses his Children, Vayechi

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Anonymous WASHINGTON December 30, 2012

Thank you A lot I didn't know about Asenath. Jacobs' power of prophesy i think could be spotted in the additional blessing to Joseph in the ridge of shechem. Priest;Levi, prophet; Simeon and King; Judah according to the book of Jasher, Levi and Simeon first after they wearied Judah came to the rescue by jumping on the wall and giving his infamous shout. Had Jacob married Dinah to Joseph, the Moshiach would've been instantly realized, the two divided families united, Dinah was older than Joseph, just like Joachebed was older than amram.

One other thing, though Jacob rebuked Levi and Simeon doesn't King Solomon tell us not to despise G*Ds' chatisements in Proverbs? And if you do an acrostic of the six names of Israel on Gerazim and Ebal you will find Simeon is the first listed for a blessing, Joseph is the only one that aligns with the Yod of Bereshit making the Aramaic name for G*D and in the curses, had Asher and zebulun been in different places, TaNYA would be revealed as an acrostic.

Anonymous Lodz, Poland January 28, 2011

testimony I'm envious of your knowledge. I'm in my early sixties. Reply

Shaina San Diego November 5, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

I love the Rabbi's knowledge that he can help and share with his Jewish family. What a blessing. Reply