
Why Does a Bride Wear a Veil?

A lesson on the foundation of true love

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Why Does a Bride Wear a Veil? : A lesson on the foundation of true love

Podcast: Subscribe to Yacov Barber - Parsha Messages
Veiling of the Bride ("Badeken"), Chupah, Bamidbar

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Jeanette Mass Australia May 18, 2023

As always, Rabbi Barber speaks with such insight & ease that all people can understand the very essence of what he is saying. Always enjoy his words. Thank you Jeanette Mass Reply

Mary T. Stevens May 28, 2017

I love this site. I am not Jewish (nobody's perfect) but I always wanted to visit the temple. I grew up in Crown Heights. My mother did domestic work for Jewish families in the 1940's so I have special place in my heart for Judaism. Reply

Tiago G. Lopes Brazil May 25, 2017

Can you transcript this video or insert English subtitles in? It facilitates the understanding of all around the world and can be in English. Reply

Doug Seattle May 25, 2017

Obviously this veil system didn't work for Father Jacob!!! The practice of the groom putting the veil over the brides face was certainly not done by Father Jacob unless he Laban switched daughters after Jacob did so somehow ( all speculation)... Laban must have got him so drunk that he wouldn't question any obvious differences.. Reply

yt ny October 31, 2022
in response to Doug:

it is explained that Rachel and Leah were completely identical in every way! to the extent that if one was proven to be barren it meant the situaton was the same with the other. see kehot chumash Reply

Dan Ver Woert May 25, 2017

Good word,, Reply

Cheryl Ohio May 25, 2017

Thank you. Reply

Mario Costa Rica May 25, 2017

If true love is equal in a couple, why, then, the bridegroom does not wear a Veil ?? Reply

Shirl Solomon Palm Springs, FL May 25, 2017

Mitzuyan! A most heartening explanation, one that speaks to all brides and grooms whatever their faith. And rabbi, you have the tone, warmth and sincerity that makes one feel so good and loved. Todah! Reply

James Jeremiah Trinidad May 25, 2017

Thanks for this explanation Rabbi Yacov Barber. Reply

Linda Slager Hollywood May 25, 2017

Very interesting, Thank you. I will tell my Bible classmates. Reply

Alicia Madrid June 10, 2016

Time is relative Dear Rabbi Yacov Barber,

thanks a lot again for this beautiful piece of reasoning. Time is a relative concept, that is why 2 days might be meaning a whole existence for some species of butterflies and why the biological age and chronological age are not necessary at the same rhythm (depending on the length of our telomeres). I believe G-d gave us a life and freedom to make right and something beautiful with both of His gifts to honor Him.

Thanks for explaining me veil is a symbol of the idea “I love you because who you are and not because of what you do, then I will love you forever”. I would say, both concepts are deeply related, because what you do is depending on who you are and what are your interest and values in life. If they are shared and respect for man and woman, then easily love will be lasting forever with G-d´s help.

Shabat Shalom and happy Shavuot. Reply

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