
Marrying Jewish

Practical Parshah - Va'etchanan

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Marrying Jewish: Practical Parshah - Va'etchanan

The prohibition against intermarriage appears in this week's portion. How does Torah guide Jews in finding Jewish spouses? (This video was shot live on location from Jerusalem.)
Marriage, Parshah, Intermarriage, Va'etchanan

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Steve August 14, 2016

Actions speak louder than words. Ok, I get your point and want someone Jewish, but actions speak louder than words. Maybe instead of focusing on breaking up non Jewish relationships, you can help build Jewish ones. So far the community has not been good to me and I know I'm not the only one. What are you capable of doing to help? Reply

Anonymous July 29, 2015

Interesting, you say that the woman may be able to make all the customary foods, do all the holidays and such, but if she is not Jewish, converted, she isn't Jewish...
I have a friend who is marrying a woman, who believes they are meant for one another, but she is not Jewish.. His hopes are that she would be humble enough to sometime accept the yoke of Heaven... But I would say that's a risky move, to have the woman put her best foot forward in order to please the man... :/

Intermarriage is so sad, and especially with the "gobbly-gook" wannabe Judaisms out there.. Reply

Michael Ben Tzvi Buenos Aires August 9, 2014

My personal case Both of my parents are atheist, although they sent me to a Jewish school. Nevertheless they told me: 'You can date whoever you want, but we want our grandchildren to be Jewish. That's the only rule regarding your Jewish identity: do not marry to a non-Jewish woman. It's not negotiable if you want us to be your parents.' They told me this very clearly since I was a little boy. I accept it without hesitation. I fully agree. Reply

Michael Ben Tzvi Buenos Aires August 9, 2014

There's no future for Judaism and the Jewish people outside of Israel If you marry to a non-Jewish woman, it's probable that your children won't be raised Jewish and the chain will be completely lost with your grandchildren. Reply

Ruthy los vegas June 4, 2014

very good! thanks for being real!Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous Burlington, VT August 11, 2011

Great subject One of my biggest regrets is that I did not marry Jewish. I'm like so many who were raised by secular/reformed Jews. Reply

Anonymous Brighton August 10, 2011

Sorry but Esther was not the mother of Cyrus The Great...Actually Cyrus was jewish because he had a jewish mom but Esther was NOT his mother. Esther married to Cyrus's grandson (from cyrus's daughter). If it's right then King David can't be jewish! His grandmother was Ruth the Moabites & great great grandmother was Rahaab the prostitute.....If a person converts to judaism he/she is jewish. Reply

Alizah Hochstead Efrat, Israel August 10, 2011

Marrying Jewish I live in Efrat and regularly listen to your shiurim. Would have liked to attend your shiur or invite you to give a shiur here in Efrat. Also have some questions regarding this shiur I would like to ask you. Reply

Mia Sherwood Landau Sherman, TX August 10, 2011

Courageous This is a controversial subject that you have presented in a powerful way on an important day. Most of us aren't thinking about bringing Moshiach when we are attracted to another human being, we are simply following our instincts. We are not concerned about G-d's opinions, we're too busy with our own. I hope you distribute the audio portion of this talk to schools for young people to hear. It was a very courageous presentation. Thank you, Rabbi. Reply

h.c la, ca/us August 9, 2011

nice program Reply

Richard Raff August 9, 2011

Marrying Jewish i can remember a time when i was laughed at for trying to keep Shabbat. The secular world told me i was crazy to try convert to be a Jew.They told me i could never do it and now i am getting even closer to my Jewish self. This is the will of Hashem and He has told all Jews through out time as they sat in the desert watching the sand whisk by them. We must do the impossible as human beings as Jews as ex samples of the presents of Hashem. The one thing we should want for our children is the mothers identity and understanding for all YIsrael. i have come to far to stop.... to remember what could be. Reply

Each week, Rabbi Mendel Kaplan will delve into that week's Torah reading to bring out a practical lesson for life and explain the Biblical sources for the customs, laws, practices and ethics of our people.
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