
Why Benjamin Was in Imminent Threat!

Beyond the Werewolf Legend

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Why Benjamin Was in Imminent Threat!: Beyond the Werewolf Legend

The Torah relates that there was absolute danger in Binyamin leaving his father Yaakov to travel to Egypt. Learn a truly remarkable interpretation of this strange episode.
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Mikeitz, Benjamin, Vayigash

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Karen MD December 9, 2021

So interesting! Wolf-Benjamin (& Ox-Yosef) are my favorite brothers. I see now how info in this teaching helps fit some of the descendant puzzle pieces: the fierceness of Ehud, Yael, David (etc) = metal wielding, slingers & archers for G-d!

Love Torah/Y'srael & her people,
Karen Reply

John Gasell March 29, 2022
in response to Karen:

Very intriguing Karen. Would you mind expounding further? Ehud Yael and David were metal wielders, but against the enemies of G-d not against their brothers (except in times of civil war, G-d forbid). And what does sling and archers for G-d have to do with Benjamin being a wolf, or Yosef being an Ox? I know there is a connection there but I am missing the connecting tissue that you had in your intellect when you specifically wrote this. Reply

Shneur Sapo October 14, 2021

Would it be possible to get all the different sources for the bnei ephraim and the stories at the end? Reply

Solan Schwab Nyc June 26, 2020

Brilliant!!! Reply

Elisheva Mishulovin beitar December 11, 2018

where can I find the text of what the Rabbeinu Ephrayim says? Reply

Mendel Kaplan Thornhill December 17, 2018
in response to Elisheva Mishulovin:

There are multiple (identical) versions in print. If you send me a personal email i'll be happy to send you a pic... Reply

Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Thornhill January 26, 2017

Consuming Human Blood! It should be noted that according to the Torah human blood is not prohibited. See tractate Ketubot 60a. The prohibition is only rabbinic as per Shulchan Aruch, Yorah Deah 66;10. The reason for the prohibition would be Mar'it Ayin alone. Also see Tzafnat Paneach on the Rambam, laws of forbidden foods, chapter 6;2. Therefore if for medicinal reasons somebody would need to consume human blood – it would obviously be 100% Kosher/permitted Reply

BT Jerusalem January 1, 2017

The name Rachel gave Binyamin describes him causing her suffering, unusual for a mother to do and Yakov changed it to remove the stigma.
In Argentina there is a tradition that the seventh son turns into a werewolf. So a godmother from another family adopts him to prevent this. Reply

Nachman California March 17, 2016

In the first quotation by the rabbi he didn't translate the last three words of the paragraph. He read:

צל"ם באלב"ם זאב, לכך אותם בני אדם שמשתנין לזאב נבראו מששת ימי בראשית ואין חוזרין לקדמותן עד שאוכלים דם
(His translation:) "Tzelem in the Albam is 'wolf'. The people who transform into wolves were created from the beginning of creation; they don't go back to their original form until they consume blood".

The line he omitted is: אדם או אשה ([of] a man or a woman).
Put it together then the line reads (and I vocalized the text for an easier reading):

צֶלֶם בְּאַלְבָּ”ם זְאֵב, לְכַךְ אוֹתָם בְּנֵי אָדָם שֶׁמִּשְׁתַּנִּין לִזְאֵב נִבְרְאוּ מִשֵּׁשֶׁת יְמֵי בְּרֵאשִׁית, וְאֵין חוֹזְרִין לְקַדְמוּתָן עַד שֶׁאוֹכְלִים דַּם אָדָם אוֹ אִשָּׁה.
'Tzelem' (image) in the Albam computation equals Ze’ev (wolf). Those people who transform into wolves were created as such from the Six Days of Creation, and they won't return to their earlier state until they have eaten the blood of a man or a woman. Reply

Kate Gladstone Albany, NY, USA January 3, 2016

The rabbi here quotes Rabbeinu Efrayim ben Shimshon as saying that werewolves do not return to their original form. However, the complete quote from Rabbeinu Efrayim Ben Shimshon is that werewolves do not return to their original form until they have eaten blood. And both rabbis — Rabbenu Efrayim ben Shimshon and the rabbi making this video — also say that /a/ Binyamin was a werewolf and /b/ Binyamin was one of four people who never, ever sinned. So ... Then, is it no sin for a Jew who is a werewolf to eat blood? Reply

Miriam January 21, 2015

two names fascinating shiur. Thank you. Could there be a relationship to the dual nature of Binyamin reflected in the fact that he was given different names by his mother and father?

An aside, you mentioned that the moon is always a good thing. I have always wondered how the moon could harm us as it says in Tehillim 121:7 The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. Reply

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