Chanukah Meditations
No person is meant to only receive and not give.
You have not ignited another soul until that soul ignites others.
Open your eyes. See the miracles and goodness in every coincidence of your day.
Only through our struggles with darkness can infinite light enter this world.
Why do we call G-d the Infinite Light?
Because no place is too small, no moment too insignificant, for the Infinite Light to belong.
Never underestimate the power of a simple, pure deed done from the heart.
When light shines, darkness hides.
But when darkness shines, everything shines.
We all know the power of darkness. A thousand times over is the power of light.
When darkness fights back, it means there is something worth fighting for.
Doing good when you’re inspired is nice.
Doing good despite yourself is divine.
As darkness sits at the heart of a flame, so joy emerges out of the struggles of life.
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