

14 Tips for Giving and Receiving Constructive Criticism
Although it’s natural to dislike criticism, a growth-oriented person will come to appreciate and value it.
An Easy Life Versus a Meaningful Life
You can’t move up the ladder by yearning for a life of ease. And so, while our forefathers and mothers didn’t have easy lives, they had profoundly meaningful and spiritual lives—lives that charted our very course and destiny, and whose qualities are embedded in our spiritual DNA.
Recalling the Story, Long After It’s Told
Stories connect us to value systems, a larger self and universal truth.
Our Dialogue With G-d
On the Feminine Aspect of Torah: Parshat Devarim
The second level emerges when Torah becomes not just an acquisition of knowledge and a subject-object encounter—an “I” facing “it”—but a personal meeting place, an “I” facing “you,” or better yet, a “we” relationship . . .
Ever Thought That G-d Hates You?
How often does this play out in our lives. Life is disappointing or frightening, and we immediately point the finger at G‑d: You hate me, even though I have nothing against You!
This past week, my youngest daughter left for a full month of camp for the first time.
First World Problems
We live in this world and must learn to adapt to it. Only through playing by its rules can we be successful.
For Your Devarim Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
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