
Is It Proper to Question G-d?

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Is It Proper to Question G-d?

A lesson based on Moses's complaint to G-d that the divine plan to redeem the Israelites from Egypt actually made their lives worse.

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Anonymous Los Angeles February 20, 2019

Loved depiction of Freud! Brilliant! Akkzent-frei! Wo haben Sie Deutsch gelernt?
Mehr bitte schon!
Ihre Fan!
Meine Mutter obm hat immer "Oh, Go-t und Du!" gesagt.
Das ware auch gut zu spielen- ein alteres Madel.
Alles Gute! Reply

Shmuel Graybar December 31, 2018

Good lesson but in my humble opinion it's ruined by the jump editing. I know it's supposed to look "cool", but trust me for this its just silly. Reply

Anonymous 110 N. Johanna Dr. December 28, 2018

Thank you so so much for the Beautiful Explanation!

Adriana Bostwick Reply

Rabbi David Mark Pompano Beach December 28, 2018

It's Very Jewish to Question G-d I have dealt with this question for nearly 40 years, as a rabbi (not Lubavitch). I suggest that it is perfectly natural to question G-d (I used to use that "dash-ronym," but no longer do, except on this site). We call ourselves "Israel," meaning, "[They] who wrestle with G-d," and I believe that it is a linchpin of Judaism to question..
Yes, Moses famously questions, but he is mainly fearful of: 1. not being an effective convincer of the broken-spirited Israelites, and 2. being arrested by Pharaoh's police. Other famous questioners (from within the Tradition) include Job, Kohelet, the Psalmist(s), David (in his famous dialogue with Gad which precedes Tachanun), Gideon, and others.
G-d may appear to demand blind obedience, but most humans are wired to question His behavior, and do so. Or, at least, they ask the rabbi-- usually following a death, G-d forbid. I have often despaired of being G-d's apologist-- one wishes that He would fight his own battles more. Still, I am no less Jewish. Reply

Uri Yitzchak Orlando,Fl December 27, 2018

Incredible explanation Michael.! Thank you so much for sharing. Reply

Ariel Eric Klempert Montreal December 25, 2018

Love your videos!
Thank you! Reply

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