
Moses, Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Shemot

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Moses, Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe: Letters and Numbers of Torah - Shemot

When G-d shows Moses a sign by having him turn a staff into a snake, G-d asks Moses, (Exodus 4:2) "What is this in your hand?" But the two words, "mah zeh" ("what is this") are spelled in the Torah as one word, "mizeh" ("from this.") How does the term "mizeh" hint to the Alter Rebbe and Maimonides whose yahrzeits are this week?
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Kri and Ktiv, Moses, R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi (Alter Rebbe), Maimonides, Parshah, Shemot

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Maurício A. de S. Samuel Manaus January 9, 2021

Dear Rabbi Aaron L Raskin
If the word "VIVÍ" used in (I lived) in Hebrew "GARTI" has Numeric Value VN = 613 and, as VIVÍ does not refer to the future, but to the past, it means that in the future all 613 commandments of the Torah; as, for example, theSacrifices for the remission of sins.
Shalom to All Reply

Elimelech New Jersey January 10, 2015

So Inspiring This was outstanding and enhanced my Shabbos. The personal story you told at the end was fantastic. "Keep it going"!!! Reply

M.Chava Skokie-Evanston January 22, 2013

B''H Thanks Rev Aaron!! Everytime I feel like im loosing my yidishkeit I watch your presentations and IM BACK!!! Thank you so much, many baruchas to you and your family.
Masha Chave Reply

shalom el west palm beach, fl/usa January 8, 2012

letetters and numbers of Torah Aaron..."don't hold back"! This is your opportunity to step forward and advance Jews who have been anticipating information like this for decades. Reply

Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
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