
From Earth You Came and to Earth You Will Return

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From Earth You Came and to Earth You Will Return

What is special about a grave site and what causes us to visit there?
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Cemeteries, Tzaddik's Gravesite, Grave, Tombstone, Life After Death

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Leah Bronstein Brooklyn May 4, 2022

This course reminded me of many details. But the final section, Grave as Gateway moved me deeply. Thank you. Thank you. B'H Reply

Yaffie Rabin Mi. January 19, 2015

Thank you Shifra I really enjoy your shiurim immensely. Is there a way for online listeners to get a source sheet for the classes? Thanks Reply

Geoffrey Jacks Lakewood, CA. January 19, 2015

Re: From Earth You Came and to Earth You Will Return Thank you Shifra...That was Very Very insightful and inspirational!

L'Chaim 5775! Reply

Anonymous Michigan January 4, 2015

Thank you Shifra! I really enjoy your lessons, I love the way you start them off. Thank you so much! Reply

Talma January 1, 2015

The Rebbe, my aunt Haziza's vision/dream Hi,

Shifra talked about the Rebbe during this lesson and it reminded of a time when I visited my aunt Haziza, she departed this life in 2014. She told me that she saw the Rebbe in a vision/dream and he went into her daughter's bedroom, he sit upon a chair and was praying. My aunt picked into the bedroom and saw him praying over my cousin, when he saw my aunt he put his finger over his lips and made the motion for her not to say anything. He told her that my cousin was going to be OK, my cousin is not religious. He blessed my aunt and he went his way. Reply

Talma January 1, 2015

From Earth you Came and to Earth you will return My father passed away in 2009 and I could not attend his funeral because I live far away. I stayed in contact with him before his journey to the next life. My father saw his whole family that passed before him and he would talk to them. He also kept seen 3 men in white robes, white hair, white beard smiling at him at the foot of his bed. His experience before his departure was very spiritual and beautiful. My father Isaac was a gentle man, loving, I could look into his eyes and see his love for me. I miss looking into his eyes and seen his love for me. My father never hated anyone or had any enemies, he never held a grudge against anyone. He was kind and helped many people and never reminded anyone of the good deeds he did to them. I visited his grave around two years later when I visited the capital of the Amazon, Manaus, Brazil. The Jewish cemetery was almost empty when I was a teenager, and now a whole generation is buried there. I remembered my father when I visited it. Reply

Philemond Bredy Brooklyn,NY December 31, 2014

That was a very powerful lesson. Reply

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