
Just Be Happy and Positive!

How your thoughts create reality

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Just Be Happy and Positive!: How your thoughts create reality

Practical ideas on how we can change our perspective to create more happiness within our daily lives.
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Joy; Happiness, Thought, Power of; Positive Thinking

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Aseret Naples,Fl February 21, 2015

It's hard to find positive people especially when you been hurt and discriminated, mock and push around. But somehow after all, No one believe the I continue staying happy because the power of G_D empower me to be a happy human trough all this hurtful situations. Reply

Izaak March 10, 2019
in response to Aseret:

I am positive, not so hard to find us ;) Reply

Howard Fairfield, CT via chabadff.com May 27, 2014

Great talk Thank you for putting this together and sharing it. I strongly believe in positivity, but don't always find the words to explain it. You did a beautiful job explaining why. Also, perhaps I have soft spot for a story about Judaism.

I am struggling on several fronts and being positive is the only thing that gives me the strength to continue.

Thank you Reply

Anonymous London April 28, 2014

Gratitude and hope. Thank you, you really did reach into me and make me feel stronger. I believe in the power of thought projection, but it's so very hard to get out of your personal rut...there is a safety and security in your own misery, how difficult to find the enormous power needed to take the first step out of it...you get back what you give out. People fall by the wayside if they have no close family or friends. Self imposed isolation, feels like a safeguard against what life and people can do to you, Thank you for helping me out of my rut..not sure how long I'll be out, but you made me see that there is another way to handle things..and I guess, if you're not dead...you have to carry on. Reply

Shifra Sharfstein April 27, 2014

Frans your question is a deep one and in truth there is no answer. It is not a question we have the capacity to answer but it is one that we must ask, at every opportunity and demand that G-d remove the necessity to ask.
Try this link to another class discussing your question. Reply

Michelle uk April 26, 2014

:) thanks for sharing

you raised a smile and a spirit that took the time to switch of the world - and listen

G-d bless you more!

beautifully written and presented, thanks x Reply

Frans Oudt the Netherlands April 25, 2014

Thank you for this great insight for bering postive even in negative moments.I know its in us the power to act that way, or both ways. Like without positive there is no negative. When horrible things happen how can we be strong to resist? I never forget the mother losing her child in Holocaust and she overlifed the ww2 . She lost faith in G-d how do we answer that situation? Like the prisoners with the bugget? Being glad to answer G-d s wil? How would you answer that inhumane löss? Reply

Angela Hoffberg Richland, MS April 24, 2014

Happy & Positive Still sometimes it's hard to always be happy and positive because Hashem leaves us in the wilderness/desert a lot. These are the times we grow the most. No matter what we should strive to do the right thing. Reply

Sara Shonfeld Musical Minds ny April 24, 2014

Amazing prespective! Great lecture! I loved the perspective of this lecture. Indeed happiness is a choice! Reply

Kayo Kaneko Tokyo, Japan via chabaddtu.com April 24, 2014

How much thanks do I owe you It is such a pleasure to watch your class again. I thought I understood Divine Providence. But I had not. It is such a good feeling to know HaShem is with me anytime and everywhere. You proved the fact with this very class. Thank you very much. Reply