
Can You Change Your Fate?

How to Study Torah - Matot

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Can You Change Your Fate?: How to Study Torah - Matot

Just before entering the Promised Land, two and a half of the Twelve Tribes ask for special permission to settle on the other side of the Jordan River. If they were meant to settle in that place, then why didn't G-d assign it to them to begin with? And if they were not meant to settle there, then why did G-d agree to their request?
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Israel, Freedom of Choice, Destiny; Fate, Matot-Massei, Matot, Gad and Reuben's Request to Receive Lands East of the Jordan

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Levi Rapoport Brooklyn July 17, 2017

Correction at 27:36: Cattle may be raised in Eretz Yisroel. Sheep and goats may not. see Mishna Bava Kama 7:7, Rambam Hilchot Nizkei Mammon 5:2 Reply

rabbi mendel kaplan thornhill July 25, 2017
in response to Levi Rapoport:

TY. I stand corrected Reply

Levi Rapoport NY July 17, 2017

Correction in Introduction paragraph: Only 2 tribes REQUESTED land. The half of Mensahe wss given but didn't request it. Reply

John Hiers July 19, 2012

Excellent Lesson Thank you so much Rabbi ! Amazing how G-d puts the words in your heart that I was needing to hear. Thank you, Be Well ! Reply

Anonymous Trabuco Canyon, Ca/USA July 18, 2012

Get out I have to get out of this solitary rut I have worked myself into and your teaching tells me this, thank you teacher. Reply