
How to Fight a War

How to Study Torah - Vayishlach

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How to Fight a War: How to Study Torah - Vayishlach

How Jacob prepared for a potentially deadly confrontation with his murderous brother, Esau. Discover the Torah’s “rules of engagement” in a time when we’re forced to wage war rather than make peace.
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War, Jacob Meeting Esau, Vayishlach

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Anonymous tx December 1, 2012

How to Study Torah - Vayishlach Listened to this three times, third time along with Chumash! Excellent lesson, thank you. Reply

Zvi Horovitz November 29, 2012

Success begins with giving your best shot. Excellent! Excellent! and Excellent! Probably at the most critical time in his life, facing possible annihilation, despite perceived fears and perceived shortcomings, Jacob realizes that the best he can do is utilize his kop (head), and execute his plan of action giving it his best shot. Hashem takes care of the rest when Hashem sees that we are fully, or try to be fully engaged with the challenge at hand. It is as if, when Hashem is persuaded that you are honestly putting in the best effort, He will give you that extra push to succeed. Reply

Anonymous Kansas city,Kansas November 28, 2012

telling him/them what to do B'H Samuel, does indeed tell Him[saul]/them what to do- again as always excellent presentation!! Reply

Pat Rossi Pensacola, FL December 6, 2011

Modesty and Borders Outstanding lesson! Reply

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