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“As soon as a child begins to speak, his father must begin to teach him…” This fundamental concept that our sage’s have taught is the essence of Jewish Torah education. Every child must be given full attention as early as possible.
While one may think morality need not be divinely inspired, history demonstrates, however, that separation between G-d and morality be catastrophic.
If the role of education is to civilize the human being, and if civilization is the subordination of the individual will to a higher authority, can there be such a thing as a wholly "secular" education?
G‑d’s love towards every single one of the Jewish people is
greater than the love of parents to their only child
In all matters of
Torah and Mitzvos, Hashem grants us the abilities and energy to do it.
Is the purpose of Torah education merely to increase the child’s knowledge, or is character training also vitally needed?
Abraham’s son Ishmael was circumcised at age 13 with full awareness and consciousness, in contrast to Isaac, who was circumcised as a mere infant who could not possibly comprehend. The latter has strong implications for Jewish education.
We can hasten the redemption by removing the reason for the exile, Torah education for girls is the path forward.
You will understand how every person in every circumstance and situation, has the ability to be joyful while he serves his Creator,
Advancing academically is in the students’ own hands; this will bring joy and fulfillment.
What can we do when children seem to be nervous and uninterested in their studies?
In my opinion, you should try as much as possible to continue in your position as a Professor
Excerpt from a letter by the Rebbe to a graduating yeshiva class.
In my opinion, you should try as much as possible to complete your
studies so that you will be a certified teacher or preschool teacher.
With man’s purpose in life to illuminate the word society around him, what effect will the college environment have on him?
What is now being recognized as the most important course of education?
What is the most essential education and how important is college?
"The following is in reply to your request to state my views on the question of the Regents Prayer..."
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