By the Grace of G‑d
Erev-Shabbos, Sedra Chaye
Mevorchim Kislev, 5746
Brooklyn, N.Y.

To All Participants in the
66 Acre Development Celebration of the
Rabbinical College of America
Morristown, N.J.

Greeting and Blessing:

I take pleasure in extending congratulations and prayerful wishes to the honorary chairmen, worthy Honorees, distinguished guests, and all participants in this outstanding dinner event. May it be blessed with a full measure of achievement both materially and spiritually.

The Torah tells us that the holy day of Shabbos is the source of inspiration and blessing for all days of the week, particularly those immediately preceding and following it. Since the present event is taking place on the day immediately following Shabbos of Sedra Chaye Sarah (“Life of Sarah”), we can find a meaningful message in the very first verse of the Sedra, which is particularly relevant to the occasion.

The opening verse, while referring to the virtuous lifespan of our Mother Sarah, holds it up as a model of true Jewish living, emphasizing the underlying continuity of growth and development, through the various phases from early youth to old age.

Needless to say, growth and development is the vital element in all human activity, since growth is the sign of life; how much more so when it concerns Torah and Mitzvos, as we declare in our daily prayer: “for these are our life and the length of our days.”

In light of the above, we can even better appreciate the importance of the 66 Acre Development project for the continuous growth and development of the Rabbinical College of America.

Knowing of the dedication of the friends of this great, and in many respects unique, Torah institution, I am confident that your support will more than keep pace with its growth and expansion, physically and spiritually, which must go hand-in-hand together.

Significantly, also, this Shabbos is Shabbos Mevorchim – blessing the coming month of Kislev, the auspicious month that brings us the bright festival of Chanukah with the Chanukah Lights that are kindled in growing numbers each night of Chanukah, reminding us that the light of Torah and Mitzvos must be kept shining forth even brighter and stronger.

With prayerful wishes for Hatzlocho in all of the above, as well as in all your personal affairs and needs, and

With esteem and blessing

M. Schneerson