By the Grace of G‑d
28th of Menachem Av, 5719 [September 1, 1959]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

I received your letter of the 17th of August, in which you write about your difficulty to cope with the Yetzer Hora. Now, you surely know of the general advice of our sages, who stated that G‑d created the Yetzer Hora but also created the Torah as an antidote. In other words, learning the Torah with devotion and diligence, the kind of learning that leads to the fulfillment of the Mitzvoth in dally practice, is the way to overcome the difficulty you mention. Moreover, although we are commanded to fulfill the Mitzvoth without any thought of reward, G‑d had promised a reward for their fulfillment, which should be an added inducement to fulfill them with sincerity and joy.

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With regard to the question as to where you should continue your Torah studies, in your present Yeshiva or another one, the answer depends on the amount of success which you enjoyed in the present Yeshiva, and what are the prospects for your continued success there as compared with another Yeshiva. You should discuss the matter with someone who can give you an objective opinion. I trust that you observe the daily quota of Tehillim, as it is divided according to the days of the month. I also suggest that you have your Tefillin checked, and that you should set aside a cent or two for Tzedakah every weekday morning before putting on the Tefillin.

With blessing,

P. S. Since the above was written, your subsequent letter was received, in which you write about the question of your entering the Lubavitcher Yeshivah, etc. In this connection you ought to inquire of the Yeshivah administration as to what would be the requirements in your case. It would be well if at the time of the interview you would have someone from Camp Gan Yisroel, such as a Counselor or friend, who could give a personal reference or who could otherwise find out for you any pertinent data, concerning your admission to the Lubavitcher Yeshivah.