Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Purpose and Meaning

Feeling a Lack of Purpose
"You seem to be disturbed because you feel that you have not attained the proper level in Torah and Mitzvoth and cannot see the 'purpose,' which makes you downhearted..."
What Is My Life's Purpose?
Any thinking person must frequently ask himself, “What is my life’s purpose?” This question occurs more frequently and with greater force in the minds of the studying youth, who dedicate a number of their best years to study and preparation for their future life lying still fully ahead of them.
With everything in existence, one must transform things from the potential to the actual and develop them.
How To Beat Laziness
Contemplating that G‑d is present everywhere, one must act as though he was in front of a king . . .
How Important Am I?
Is there any significance in the distinction between how man and all other beings were created? See how one individual can change the world.
Man: The Mission to Conquer
Man’s mission and purpose may be to conquer and elevate the world, but perhaps he must first conquer and elevate himself.
Pain, gain and their rate of return
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