Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The Chassidic Way

Learning Chassidism Gives Ability to Believe
There are six mitzvahs which are constantly incumbent upon us; to fulfill them we must know the basics of Chassidic thought.
Jewish mysticism teaches that the purpose of the soul’s descent to earth is to reveal the harmony that is inherent in the created world, beginning with the “small world,” namely, man—a creature of Nigleh and Nistar, of a body and a soul.
Is Learning Chassidism a Necessity or is it Supplementary?
Is chassidism a "supplementary aid" to the proper fulfillment of the Mitzvoth?
Between One Alien Thought and Another
When is an "alien thought" that falls in the mind during the course of prayer considered problematic?
How important is Chassid wisdom. Isn’t it just a mystical perspective?
What do we mean when we speak of “the divine presence”? Isn’t G‑d everywhere?
The Rebbe on literature, ulterior motive, and the Jewish soul
Chassidism Brings to Heightened Jewish Observance
Chassidus did not come to minimize in any way, but to add to and strengthen all matters of Torah and Mitzvoth
Are we subject merely to this physical reality, or could it really be that there is a deeper, more spiritual factor actually affecting our daily lives?
To the Rebbe, all criticism was self-criticism. As he saw it, finding fault with others was simply an avoidance of one’s own responsibility to rectify whatever was amiss
What Exactly Is a Rebbe?
The Rebbe describes the role of a Chabad leader in his own words.
What is a Farbrengen?
The purpose of a Chassidic gathering is to encourage each other in Torah learning, the fulfillment of the Mitzvoth, and the spreading of Judaism in general.
Being that husband and wife are one entity, when either one is strengthened spiritually, the other gains strength as well.
When you win a raffle, you have not won alone, but rather you are actually representing all its participants.
There rests upon me both the obligation as well as the great merit to propose, request, etc., that on this day there should be studied from his Torah during the farbrengen, and that tzedakah be given l’zeicher nishmaso.
Books of the Schneerson Library
When the books are in "exile" from their natural environment, from their "home," they are indeed in "exile" and "captivity," however well treated. They are, in a real sense, like Shvuim—people held in captivity.
The Last Letter
This letter was signed by the Rebbe on March 2, 1992, before going to pray at the Ohel of his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe. Later that day, the Rebbe suffered a stroke, which left his right side paralyzed.
May each one of you be as the well-known motto — 'A beacon of Light," to illuminate your surroundings, especially with the light of the Torah and Mitzvos.
Your warm sentiments are particularly welcome and meaningful in view of the fact that the city of Chicago hosts renowned educational and religious institutions sponsored by our Chabad-Lubavitch movement
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