Editor’s note: This letter was addressed to the the participants of a dinner of a Chabad community in Florida. Although dated February 18, the Rebbe signed it only about two weeks later, on March 2, before going to pray at the Ohel of his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe. Later that day, the Rebbe suffered a stroke, which left his right side paralyzed. This is the last letter known to have been signed by the Rebbe.

By the Grace of G‑d
Purim Koton, 5752
[February 18, 1992]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

To All Participants in the
Eleventh Annual Dinner of
Congregation Levi YitzchokLubavitch
Hallandale, Florida

Greeting and Blessing!

In response to the notification of the forthcoming Dinner, taking place on Sunday, the 3rd of Adar II, I extend congratulations to the Honorees, Chairman, Co-Chairmen, distinguished guests and all friends of Congregation Levi Yitzchok—Lubavitch, on reaching this significant milestone.

Especially so since the current Jewish year is a Leap Year.

The significance of a Leap Year has been explained on previous occasions, as have the practical lessons we can learn from it. We shall here discuss one point that especially relates to this gathering: the subject of “giver”—the sun—and “receiver”—the moon. During a Leap Year the two meet together, thereby reconciling the difference between the solar year and lunar year, and accomplishing the Divine intention that Pesach always be in the Month of Aviv-springtime.

The main point of this is that, through the mutual effect upon each other, namely the “giver” and “receiver”—the “giver” simultaneously also being a “receiver” and the “receiver” also a “giver”—the two become one, thereby fulfilling the Divine design for both of them, and for the world as a whole.

This point is particularly outstanding in regard to outreach activities, where the “giving” is primarily from the “Giver”—to the one who is the “Receiver.” That is why it is especially important that the “giving” be in the fullest possible measure, quantitatively and qualitatively: the Torah and Mitzvos implanted in the receiver should not be merely by force of habit, but should permeate their thoughts, speech and actual deeds so that this is reflected in his daily conduct—in fear of G‑d, improved character traits and so on, so that it be evident—at home, at shul and also in the street—that this is a product of an activity on high standards of holiness.

In order that the “giving” be even more complete, givers, educators and counselors should bear in mind that they are, at the same time, also “receivers”—and to a tremendous extent, incomparably more than the effort and work they invest in their students. Indeed, who can estimate the merit and reward associated with the sacred work of assisting the Almighty’s kinder, children of the Supreme King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He?

However, in order that the these activities be able to fulfill its responsibilities in the best possible way, it has to rely upon yet another class of “givers”—Torah-supporters who understand the value of Torah education and the preciousness of Jewish men, women and children.

With all the above in mind, I am confident that each and all of the participants will take the fullest advantage of the enormous opportunities that you have to expand and intensify the ongoing activities and programs of Congregation Levi Yitzchok—Lubavitch.

And, in this connection, there is an added dimension to this year, in that it is a complete and full year (with the most amount of days), which teaches us—reminds us—that one is to accomplish his utmost in good deeds.

And especially being that we find ourselves in the year 5752, in Hebrew ה׳תשנ״ב, whose Hebrew letters form an acronym הי׳ תהא שנת נפלאות בכל מכל כל (“this will be a year of wonders ‘In all things,’ ‘by all things,’ with ‘all things’”), G‑d Almighty will surely grant all of you a wondrous year of goodness in all matters material and spiritual.

With esteem and with blessings for success
and for good tidings in all the above
and a happy and inspiring Purim,
M. Schneerson