By the Grace of G‑d
In the Beginning of Cheshvan, 5738
[October 1977]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

I appreciate very much your thoughtful expression of concern and your good wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

With the help of G‑d, the Healer of All Flesh Who Works Wondrously, my health has improved satisfactorily and I am, thank G‑d, able to continue my work and activities.

In accordance with the Divine promise, “I (G‑d, the Source of all blessings) will bless them that bless you,”

May G‑d bestow His generous blessings on you and yours, materially and spiritually.

With esteem,

P.S. Thank you for the photo of your son Meir Moshe. Have much true Yiddish Nachas from him.