By the Grace of G‑d
10th of Tammuz, 5726 [June 28, 1966]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Blessing and Greeting:

I duly received your letter.

In addition to the regards and blessings which were conveyed to your husband, and through him also to you and your children, I wish to reiterate again herewith my prayerful wishes, all the more so since these are auspicious days connected with the 12-13th of Tammuz. No doubt you know about the history and significance of this Liberation Day of my father-in-law of saintly-memory.

It is surely unnecessary to emphasize that whenever I write to your husband with special blessings on various occasions, particularly in connection with the Yomim Noroyim and other festivals, you, the Akeres Habayis and helpmate, are of course included, together with the children.

May the inspiration and influence of the 12-13th of Tammuz stand you and all yours in good stead.

With blessing,