By the Grace of G‑d
In the Days of Chanukah, 5721 [December, 1960]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Blessing and Greeting:

I received your letter with considerable delay.

With regard to its contents, especially the questions and doubts that you raise in your letter about certain attitudes of Chassidus, I am amazed at your misinformation concerning even such matters which are well-known and amply explained, even printed and published, so that there is no reason for anyone who is sincerely interested, to be misinformed about them. This applies also to your questions.

a. Regarding the attitude to the study of the Torah, i.e. the Nigleh part of it - it is explained and ruled in the laws of Talmud Torah of the founder of Chabad, also in the Introduction to his Shulchan Aruch, written by his sons, etc., etc. Anyone can see that the attitude to learning Torah is completely the opposite to that which you were told, as you write in your letter.

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b. Similarly, on the question of taking L'Chaim on special occasions, concerning which I refer you to Likutei Diburim of my father-in-law of saintly memory. P.1438.

I trust that from the above you will draw your conclusions also regarding other questions of similar nature that some people might suggest to you in the future.

In connection with your condition, may G‑d send you His blessings that you complete your pregnancy and have a normal and easy delivery in a happy and auspicious hour.

Hoping to hear good news from you, and wishing you a happy and inspiring Chanukah,

With blessing,
M. Schneerson