Running Rivers of Boiling Blood : Talmud Stories of Tragic Destruction
This class conveys chilling details of the Roman massacre that ensued upon the defeat of the stronghold Judean city Beitar, causing the countryside to literally run red in Jewish blood. We then turn back centuries earlier to a shocking narrative of horrific carnage in Jerusalem wrought by the infamous Babylonian butcher Nevuzradon, during the destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash. Some 252 years after the Prophet Zachariah was tragically murdered by fellow Jews, his boiling blood still bubbled; becoming a pretext for insatiable Babylonian brutality and bloodshed.
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Gittin 57a Gittin 57b |
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Topics: | Three Weeks, Destruction of Holy Temple, Zechariah, Betar, Fall of, Talmud |
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