
Rebuilding the Temple

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Rebuilding the Temple

The Jerusalem Talmud states: “If the Holy Temple is not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as though it were destroyed in your lifetime.” The commentaries learn from this that the Temple’s destruction is an ongoing event.
Galut, Destruction of Holy Temple, Redemption, Yearning for and Anticipating, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rebuilding the Temple
Disc 142, Program 568

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5744 - July 12, 1984

The Jerusalem Talmud states: “If the Holy Temple is not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as though it were destroyed in your lifetime.” The commentaries learn from this that the Temple’s destruction is an ongoing event.

On Tisha B’Av, we do not mourn events that occurred 1,900 years ago. . . . The destruction of the Temple takes place every single day—and a Jew must cry out for Redemption as if he has witnessed that destruction today.

A person watching the Temple going up in flames at this very moment—even one with a heart of stone—would do everything in his power to stop it.

The more a Jew increases in the joy of Torah and mitzvos, the more that joy will break down the last vestiges of exile, and reveal G-dliness within the exile itself. And when we reveal G-d’s unity within the exile itself, then “golah—exile” itself transforms into “geulah—redemption.”

Living Torah

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Gabriel Schecter Houston November 30, 2023

A question arose in your Rebuilding the Temple article, and your statement, The Jerusalem Talmud, states: “If the Holy Temple is not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as though it were destroyed in your lifetime.”

Did Hashem reference the rebuilding of the walls of the Temple, and who would rebuild this structure? Could Isaiah 60:10 refer to the rebuilding of the walls and the plight of the Jewish people who angered Hashem to strike down the covenant people?

“Aliens shall rebuild your walls, Their kings shall wait upon you—For in anger I struck you down, But in favor, I take you back.”

Thanks for your reply. Reply

Sam Kulik Montreal July 28, 2020

Since Jerusalem has been ours for over 50 years, why not build it already Reply

Paula Kestelman Montreal July 29, 2020
in response to Sam Kulik:

for sure Reply

Chabad.org July 28, 2015

re Rebuilding Rabbi Shurpin just wrote an article explaining why the Temple hasn't yet been rebuilt. Check it out here. Reply

Mark Los Angeles July 28, 2015

Do we merit rebuilding the Temple? Great talk by the Rebbe. Why don't we rebuild the Temple? It was rebuilt once. Why not rebuild it again? Reply

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