Make it Stop!
The Holy Temple Is Going Up in Flames!
Make it Stop!: The Holy Temple Is Going Up in Flames!The Jerusalem Talmud states: “If the Holy Temple is not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as though
it were destroyed in your lifetime.” The commentaries learn from this that the Temple’s destruction is an ongoing event. On Tisha B’av, we do not mourn events that occurred 1,900 years ago… The destruction of the Temple takes place every single day – and a Jew is expected to cry out for Redemption as if he has witnessed that destruction today!
Make it Stop!
The Holy Temple Is Going Up in Flames!
Disc 91, Program 361
Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5744 - July 12, 1984
The Jerusalem Talmud states: “If the Holy Temple is not rebuilt in your lifetime, it’s as though it were destroyed in your lifetime.” The commentaries learn from this that the Temple’s destruction is an ongoing event. On Tisha B’av, we do not mourn events that occurred 1,900 years ago… The destruction of the Temple takes place every single day – and a Jew is expected to cry out for Redemption as if he has witnessed that destruction today! A person watching the Temple going up in flames at this very moment – even one with a heart of stone – would turn the world over to stop it. Says the Torah of Truth and the Torah of Life: Turn the world over – today! The more a Jew increases in the joy of Torah and Mitzvos, the more that joy will break down the last vestiges of Exile, and reveal G-dliness within the Exile itself. And when you reveal the “Alef,” G-d’s Unity, within the Exile itself, then “Golah – Exile” itself transforms into “Geulah – Redemption.” |
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