Prayer Video
Videos on why we pray, the kabbalah of prayer, the struggles of prayer and lessons on praying on a Yacht
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Video | 16:59
The concept of prayer seems paradoxical: asking G-d, who is infinite and all knowing, to grant us our puny needs and desires?
Video | 8:04 Intermediate
Prayer can be one of the most confounding of spiritual practices. If it is a personal, meditative, soul experience, then why is so much of it dictated by formality and structured liturgy?
Video | 32:12
Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 1
This class examines the importance of prayer, its biblical and historical origins, and the Jewish view on material requests. We conclude with explaining the first prayer upon waking in the morning.
Video | 45:03
The Jew and Prayer: Lesson 1
The origins and evolution of prayer through the ages.
Video | 0:37
Video | 2:35
Rabbi Kadoozy answers a question about prayer and Jono asks G-d to write his term paper.
Video | 47:32
Esther as a model for a higher mode of prayer
On its most basic level, to pray is to ask G-d to provide for your needs. But the story of Esther provides a loftier model, which should guide us as we approach the High Holidays.
Video | 24:25
Aspects of chassidic prayer and their contemporary application
What makes chassidic prayer distinct? Can these elements be broadened and made relevant to the wider Jewish community in the modern age?
Video | 31:19
Why we articulate the words of prayer silently
When saying the Amidah prayer – the essence of the prayer service – the worshipper is enjoined to pray in hushed tones. This class explores the various reasons for this law and offers insight into the meaning of prayer. (Likutei Sichos, vol. 35)
Video | 40:00
Chana’s Prayer and Rosh Hashanah
On Rosh Hashana we read in the Haftorah about the birth of the prophet Samuel. Childless for many years, one year on Rosh Hashana, his mother Chana offered a prayer that elicited the Divine blessing resulting in his birth. The Talmud states that Chana's prayer is the model which all prayer aught emulate. This class will explain how to access the awesome power of prayer any time and especially on Rosh Hashana. (Likutei Sichos vol. 29, p.182)
Video | 39:59
Discover two perspectives on the objective of prayer
Jewish people have three daily prayer services. The first is Shacharit (the morning prayer), then Minchah (the afternoon prayer), and finally Maariv (the evening prayer.) But from another perspective, one can argue that since the Jewish day begins at sundown, the first prayer is really the evening prayer. Does it make a difference if we view the order of the prayers as morning/afternoon/evening or as evening/morning/afternoon?
Video | 26:57
Parsha Vayeitzei
What is the objective of prayer? Discover five layers of understanding to the mitzvah of prayer.
Video | 44:34
Many people want to talk to G-d these days. What if you’re not sure He exists?
Video | 17:50
A Taste of Text—Vayeira
We hear of the miracles that great people’s prayers can accomplish. But is prayer also for us regular folk?
Video | 19:38
A Taste of Text—Vayeitzei
There are some moments in our lives when we are at peace with our inner, spiritual selves. The majority of our experiences are strenuous, often painful, and challenge us to overcome the negative urges of our psyche.
Video | 19:33
A Taste of Text—Vayishlach
How to react when confronted with an opportunity that may challenge, tempt or oppose your beliefs or goals . . .
Video | 1:03:45
Chanah’s prayer and how to talk to G‑d
From the story of the prophetess Chanah, we learn the proper way to approach G‑d and express our needs. (A text-based discussion of the first chapter of Samuel I.)
Video | 44:36
Women and Wisdom: Lesson 3
What’s the point of praying from a prayerbook? Why do we pray in Hebrew? Is it better to pray in shul? How to infuse your prayers with real emotion and meaning.
Video | 57:08
An Introduction to Prayer
What does prayer mean to you? Do you enjoy prayer? How can our prayers help us forge a stronger relationship with G‑d?
Video | 1:31
A friend recently hosted a young couple in her home. From the moment they arrived, the requests didn't stop...
Video | 2:36
My children's reaction to a terrorist attack made me wonder--can any of us really make a difference?
Video | 54:41
Mystical Secrets on Prayer and Meditation
Over 3000 years ago the very first Jew meditated and talked to G-d. Ever since then, through our prayers, we’ve focused and meditated on G-d’s greatness.
Video | 6:30
To counter escalating conflicts in the world, the Rebbe requests that all Jews add in prayer for world peace and tranquility:
It is crucial for all Jews, without exception, to begin their daily prayers by declaring, “I hereby accept upon myself the Mitzvah to ‘Love your fellow as yourself.’” This not only prevents quarreling in general; it will bring an end to the exile, itself caused by a lack of love for others. (19 Kislev, 5744 • November 24, 1983)
Video | 7:34
Once, after Rosh Hashanah prayers, the Alter Rebbe asked his son, the Mitteler Rebbe, “With
what meditation did you pray this Rosh Hoshanah?” He replied, “With the verse, ‘All mankind
shall prostrate themselves before You’.” Then the Mitteler Rebbe asked his father, “With what
meditation did you pray?” The Alter Rebbe responded, “I prayed with my lectern.”
Video | 6:31
Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi shares some recollections of 770, where he was a student in the mid- 1960s. He recalls the Rebbe’s mother’s passing in 1965, as well as one particular morning prayer that became seared into his memory.
Video | 2:57
Rabbi Joseph Karasick was president of the Orthodox Union from 1966 till 1972. One day during his tenure, he received an unexpected call from the Rebbe’s office inviting him for a meeting with the Rebbe. In the course of their conversation about his organization, Rabbi Karasick asked the Rebbe an unrelated question. The Rebbe’s answer has been with him, and shared with others, to this day.(1967)
Video | 6:39
Our sages teach that the Holy Temple was destroyed because of the baseless hatred that Jews harbored towards one another. It follows then, that rectifying that problem will be the catalyst for rebuilding it. And Speedily.
Video | 4:05
Mrs. Chaya Hecht served as an early education teacher in Brooklyn, New York, for over five decades. In the early 1950s, shortly after he had assumed leadership of the Chabad movement, she had an audience with the Rebbe. The Rebbe asked her if she was praying every day. When she answered that she didn’t really have the time to pray, the Rebbe suggested a new approach. And she’s adopted it as a part of her daily life.
Video | 2:05
Angels wait thousands of years to do what you can do any moment.
Video | 1:30
Miri gets a hi-tech lesson on “How Do Prayers Work?” We’re still waiting for the app.
Video | 2:36
Give life to others before praying for your own sustenance
Video | 1:32
Video | 2:46
Video | 2:27
Video | 2:40
Video | 2:18
Video | 2:16
A Rosh Hashanah Message
If everything originates from G-d, why pray to Him to change His plan? And, how can we “demand” more goodness while realizing how unworthy we are?
Video | 2:15
A 90 second insight on the High Holidays period
Three easy steps to be a better Jew on the High Holidays.
Video | 14:49
Understanding the mechanism and power of prayer.
PRAYER acronym: Please Respond After You (G-d) Examine Request.
Video | 14:42
When it comes to prayer, losing the race is better than winning it.
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