
Bonds of Love

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Bonds of Love

Our sages teach that the Holy Temple was destroyed because of the baseless hatred that Jews harbored towards one another. It follows then, that rectifying that problem will be the catalyst for rebuilding it. And Speedily.
Holy Temple, Prayer, Three Weeks, Ahavat Yisrael, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Bonds of Love
Disc 181, Program 722

Event Date: 21 Tammuz 5721 - July 05, 1961

Our sages teach that the Holy Temple was destroyed because of the baseless hatred that Jews harbored towards one another. It follows then, that rectifying that problem will be the catalyst for rebuilding it. And Speedily.

In fact, so important is Ahavat Yisrael, that even before we begin our prayers each day, we commit ourselves to working on our attitudes that we show towards our fellows.

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Michael Fantus washington August 1, 2022

Allowing the Temple to remain unmanifest allows the self-hate of the Jew to reign supreme, and this is not what the world needs. Reply

David Lobell Los Angeles August 1, 2022

I have vowed long ago to greet every Jew I see with a Shabbot shalom and a good Yom, regardless of how they are dressed. Everyone has to play a role in bringing lve and peace between the various sects of Judaism. This was a critical and Central belief of our Rebbe of blessed memory. A Jew is Jew no matter where he or she is on the spritual spectrum. together we can all make this happen!!!! Am Yisroael!!!! Reply

Deanna J Clark Savannah July 27, 2022

Watching YTube about WWII I learned that even though most Romani (Gypsies) in Europe were Catholic the Vatican did nothing to help them when the Reich wanted to round them up and began demanding their ID papers.
When the Soviet Union fell I had a Polish friend who collected clothing and funds for orphanages in Eastern Europe. She told me the orphanages had whole buildings for Orthodox only, Catholic only, and Protestant only. The children couldn't study or eat together. They're taught to loathe each other. Something tells me it ain't about obscure phrases in the book of Hebrews or Acts.

I don't know what the 1st century Jews were squabbling over but I suspect at bottom it was not religion but social class and money with religion dangled around to hide the facts. Reply

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