
A Child's Prayer

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A Child's Prayer

My children's reaction to a terrorist attack made me wonder--can any of us really make a difference?
Action; Deed, Prayer, Terrorism

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Teresa Mackey Ashland, KY January 13, 2014

After watching a video on Chabad on prayer, I decided to watch something light before I close the computer. I chose this video. Light, in the sense I was seeking, it was not. I am in tears.
Light in a better sense it was! Oh, to have the faith of a little child! If I had that, I would be blessed beyond measure!
Watching Sharon's funeral today saddened me. Hearing of another attack from Gaza today saddened me. This video, and the faith of that little child, gives me HOPE!
As I search for my place here on earth, please remember me in your prayers. I know I feel pulled to the Jewish faith for a reason, and I do trust that G-d is in charge of where I am going even though I don't know where that is as of yet.
Thanks for this video, and for this site. It means SO much to someone like me who is stuck with no Rabbi to go to. I am blessed to know that I can go to G-d in prayer, and He will answer me. Reply

Anonymous Boise, ID July 20, 2012

Rreflection Here it is already mid 2012 and I'm responding to your gift of touch that is evident in your real video. I'm just now listening to US president address a shooting attack on a Theatre in Aurora CO. Our world is in such tragedy. Messiah is coming back, we do wish He would hurry.
Thanks for sharing. Reply

Ron columbus, ohio July 11, 2008

so moving thank you for your story i was really moved Reply

Anonymous atlanta, ga July 11, 2008

Deeply moved Mrs. Weisberg,

I was extremely moved by your story. Thank you.

This is the best video Chabad.org has to date! Reply

Denise Urban Princeton, NJ July 8, 2008

psalms 8 As I was watching and listening to your story about your daughter's faith, I was reminded of my daily personal scripture reading this morning which was psalms 8.

This verse below struck a chord as I watched your daughter pray.

"Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have drawn a defense against your foes, to silence enemy and avenger."

Her one act according to Hashem draws a defense against our foes.

G-d bless you Chana and your family! Reply

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