

Who’s Gonna Know?
While we hope that someone, somewhere, takes notice whenever we “do the right thing,” as long as we are driven by the need for that external recognition, we are vulnerable and can be inconsistent.
Fusing Idealism and Realism
To be an idealist you cannot consider the resistance that you may encounter while implementing your dreams. Pure idealism follows the dictates of truth alone. On the other hand, without realistic thinking my dreams would stay in the world of fantasy...
Four Stages in Torah Learning
Parshat Va'etchanan
Home in the womb, on the road of life, lying down in the grave, and waking up in the world to come . . .
Power Outage
Parshat Va’etchanan
When G-d does make demands of me, they tend to be in trivial areas—but areas that hit me where it counts.
The Second Consolation
Torah study or prayer? Man or Woman? A transcendent perspective or an emphatic view? Two pathways through life, and two consolations in the future redemption...
A Psychotherapist’s Shema in Auschwitz
What is it about the Shema Yisroel prayer that has inspired so many through the most trying of times and has provided such meaning and purpose to help us survive even the most despairing circumstances?
The Cry That Went Unheeded
There are times when your love for another is so strong that it supersedes even your greatest dreams and aspirations.
For Your Va'etchanan Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
Listen to Shema’s Inner Message
The two enlarged letters in the Shema reveal the mission of the Jewish people and the fusion of faith and knowledge.
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