

How Do You Deal With Change?
Feeling Like a Grasshopper
Five Ways to Criticize More Effectively
We often mix compliments with criticisms and wonder why the listener is offended.
Why Are Children Better at Technology Than Adults?
We often get stuck with the familiar, afraid to make necessary changes outside our comfort zone.
Purpose in the Real World
The Torah was never intended for angels, or humans with no physical concerns.
Got Dough?
The mystical dimension of challah
What could possibly be so important about separating a piece of dough that the Midrash states that it is the purpose of creation?
What the Men of Distinction Couldn’t Fathom
The feminine perspective on materiality and the physical: Parshat Shelach
What were the calculations of ten of the spies that caused them to err so profoundly? And what did the women of Israel intuitively understand that these great “men of distinction” failed to comprehend?
Good Deeds During One's Spare Time
We all have free choice. We could either ignore these people, these opportunities, these events, or we could see everything in our life as a G-d-sent opportunity.
For Your Shelach Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
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