

Pharaoh and the Squeegee Men
G‑d’s compassion was not based on our “deserving” it. And that is the deep reality of compassion: It is not earned; rather, it is given.
How to Handle Unsolicited Advice (Even When You’re Moses)
Did Moses have trouble delegating responsibility? Was he afraid to let others help him?
Jethro and Me
On my first trip to Israel in 1978, my traveling companion wanted to climb Mt. Sinai . . .
How to Have a Healthy Relationship
Finding the balance betwee the love and fear of G‑d.
What the Number Three Teaches Us about Parenting Do’s and Don’ts
Parshat Yitro
“My children are constantly fighting with each other,” laments Susan, a mother of three. “Will there ever be peace in my home?”
The Sanctity of Time
Parshat Yitro
Imagine the accomplishment of being present wherever you are, giving one hundred percent to your loved ones, your prayer, your study, your work, and your colleagues.
Find Glamour in the Grind
Do you ever fantasize about making a bold change in your life, perhaps starting a new career or moving to another city?
For Your Yitro Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
Maximizing Inspiration
Inspiration is the first phase that’s meant to evoke a second phase of continuous effort.
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