

The Four Stages of Personal Growth
If you are having real difficulty in realizing your goals, then you may need to get to the root of the hidden beliefs and fears that are blocking you.
5 Steps to Breaking a Negative Habit
“That’s it! I’ve had enough!” Do you hear yourself saying those words as you resolve to work on breaking a bad habit that has gotten a stronghold on your life?
The Warming of Egypt
Parshat Va’eira
You could take the Jew out of Egypt, but could you take Egypt out of the Jew? It was Moses’ job to facilitate this transition. One therapeutic technique that he used at G‑d’s behest was orchestrating the ten plagues . . .
Parenting Advice From a Survivor
Parshat Va’eira
By the time she was four, Lily had survived and lived more lives than a person of a hundred and twenty.
Turning Up the Heat
Parshat Va’eira
The very concept of Egypt denotes limitation, a sense of entrapment, blockage and slavery. And we have a directive to escape this reality every day. We don’t need to physically live in the land of Egypt under Pharaoh’s rule to feel enslaved . . .
It seems that there is a contradiction concerning when the Egyptian animals died during the plagues.
Why the Need for All 10 Plagues?
Is there any significance to the number of plagues? Why the need for all 10?
For Your Va'eira Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
How Much Is G-d Involved in Our Lives?
Our journey has value—not merely as a means to a greater end, but in and of itself.
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