
Chayei Sarah

How to Live Life
All of her years were equal, parallel, identical, even-steven for good? Is this possible?
Making the Count of Our Days Count
Each day of our lives presents us with endless possibilities. We constantly stand at the crossroads of choice.
What We Learn From Eliezer’s Words
Why are so many complex laws in the Torah written in so few words?
The Beauty of Sarah
Parshat Chayei Sarah
In a final summation of Sarah’s life, the Torah tells us two things—that she was beautiful and that she had a flawless character—her two great qualities juxtaposed.
Chasing Youth
Parshat Chayei Sara
What is it about youth that makes us yearn to be young again?
Countering the
Parshat Chayei Sarah
The “if only” attitude claims that if only we had some essentially missing quality, then our lives would be infinitely enhanced.
Rebecca and the Camel Test
A Lesson in Giving: Parshat Chayei Sarah
Surrounded by a group of able-bodied men, Eliezer did not appear as a helpless, weary chap begging for a drink. And Rebecca was a young woman of nobility, not a poor servant girl accustomed to lugging water from wells . . .
Parshat Chayei Sarah
Be spiritual. Listen to Sarah. Listen to your body. Use it. Use your animalistic drives and earthly achievements for G-dly missions. That’s exactly what G-d wants from you.
Why Did Rebecca Have to Grow Up Among Bad People?
Rebecca is considered to be the proverbial “rose among thorns.”
The Waiting Room
Have you ever driven 60 miles to meet a friend, only to have that friend—who lives two miles away—arrive 10 to 15 minutes late?
Woman Power
The miracles that both Sarah and Rebecca experienced represent the power they had to draw holiness into this world and to extend that holiness beyond the boundaries of their own homes.
Did You Hear the Latest Scandal?
Chayei Sarah
For Your Chayei Sarah Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
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