

You Broke It, You Fix It: The Roots of Conflict
G‑d gave us a perfect garden, and we ruined it!
Yes, I Am a Chassidic Feminist
A perspective on the curse of Eve
Where Are You Is a Very Good Question
“Why” questions are often less of a genuine inquiry into the truth of the matter and more like veiled accusations and criticism.
The Overachiever Who Lost It All
The story of Cain and Abel gives us incredible insight into human nature and a fatal flaw that many of us share called “overachievement.” Cain is the classic overachiever. He tries to reach for the best, but ends up with the worst.
Why My Rich Friend is Poor
“Why?” I ask myself. “Why is this woman always a prisoner to the past and to what she lacks?”
Hit the Road, Jack!
We had come to the park in an attempt to get out of the house on this last day of Yom Tov, Simchat Torah, to walk a bit and breathe fresh air, for the children to enjoy some play time and for me to catch up on Psalms. We were completely unaware of the festivities we would encounter.
Transmuting Impatience
Parshat Bereishit
Since leaving the Garden of Eden, human impulse is an admixture of both good and evil. Our task is not to squelch the impulse but to mine it, by toning down the “mine” aspect.
Why Can't We Get Along?
Parshat Bereishit -- Understanding the Male/Female Dynamic
Disagreements in marriage can be a real exercise in humility and maturity and force us to transcend our subjectivity. If we embrace the discomfort of the dispute we can come out with a lot more than a wounded ego...
The Human Body
The media has capitalized on the post–Fruit of Knowledge schism in a brilliant way. If the body is so distracting, then do everything you can to distract! Call attention to yourself. Be alluring. That is the key to success.
An Economics Lesson from Adam and Eve
I'm incredibly grateful that we have food to eat, clothing to wear, and a roof over our heads. Nothing is lacking as I carefully budget, trying to maximize every penny; but I still can't stop worrying and stop the anxiety from creeping into my heart...
The Journey Back
From the serene perfection of the Garden, they had been plunged into the fearful reality of galut (exile) – a world where something was terribly wrong...
The Curse of Eve
A Jewish Perspective on Women in Society
Those who refer to the biblical story of Eve as a Divine endorsement of sexism are overlooking a simple truth: a curse is not something that should to be the way it is -- it's something that should not be the way it is...
The Secret to a Successful Relationship
Isn't it amazing how the very things we most need from each other are also the most difficult for us to give?
For Your Bereishit Study Group (PDF)
This weekly study packet is part of theJewishwoman.org “Be a Leader” initiative. Print it out and learn it with your study group.
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